
Irene Binini
Associate Professor
I am Associate Professor at the University of Parma, where I teach History of Logic, History of the Philosophical Text, and History of Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy. Among my main philosophical interests are the history of modal logic and metaphysics; the logic of impossibility; historical debates on chance, fortune and contingency; the history of thought experiments and fictional entities. Among my philosophical cruches are also Aristotle, Peter Abelard, the Oxford Calculators, Nicole Oresme and lately some “outsiders’ as well, such as Maria Montessori and Bruno Munari. Before working as a researcher in Parma, I’ve been PhD student at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, DAAD postdoc fellow at the University of Freiburg and Oxford, Marie Curie fellow in Parma and Toronto, and visiting PhD student in Cambridge e Auckland. Apart from philosophizing with my colleagues in Parma and around the world, I love long walks, slow tourism, children literature and the Appennines.

Wolfgang Heumer
Associate Professor
My research focuses on problems that lie at the interface between the philosophy of mind, the philosophy of literature and epistemology. My particular philosophical interests are imagination and its role in art and the sciences, the notion of perspective and the perspectivalness of knowledge, and constitutive rules and rule-following behaviour. In 2006 I have started to teach philosophy at the University of Parma, before that I have taught philosophy at the University of Erfurt, received a Phd from the University of Toronto and an MA in philosophy and literature from the University of Salzburg.

Daniele Molinari
Post-Doc Research Fellow
I am a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Parma. I am interested in thought experiments and games of make-believe. In particular, I focus on the social dimension of imagination in the sciences and philosophy, along with its normativity and dialectical processes. I love museums, art cities, short stories, music, cats, lists, people, and video games.

Valentina Petrolini
Post-Doc Research Fellow
I work mainly in philosophy of psychiatry. My research interests include the notion of vulnerability to mental disorders and the boundary between mental health and pathology. I am also interested in the role that affect and culture play in psychopathology. I currently work as a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral researcher at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), where I am a member of the Lindy Lab. I received my PhD in Philosophy from the University of Cincinnati.

Francesco Cagnin
PhD Student
I am Francesco, a PhD student at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. I am interested in the costructive and cognitive role of art in its various expressions, imagination as a collective phenomenon and especially its limits. I love eating broken biscuits first, marvelling at some small banalities of everyday life, incense, ginko biloba leaves, mountain walks, Russian novels.

Alberto Barbieri
I am a graduating student of the inter-university master's degree program in philosophy at the University of Parma. I am interested in the research fields of philosophy of mind and philosophy of biology. Specifically, I am fascinated by the question of "other minds," with particular attention to non-human animals. I appreciate silly curiosities, science fiction, photography, rejection of power, and the board games.