The group – founded in spring 2020, starting with a Reading group on Linguistic Bodies, True Enough, and papers on Imaginative Resistance) – is a platform of various types of activities: we discuss in reading groups, organize workshops and seminars, develop research projects and author collective publications for scientific journals in philosophy. On this page you can find some of the results we have achieved so far:
Scientific publications co-authored by members of PRISMA
Wolfgang Huemer, Daniele Molinari & Valentina Petrolini: “The Trade between Fiction and Reality. Smuggling across Imagination and the World” in: Discipline filosofiche XXXII/2 (2022), pp. 191–213. [Rivista di fascia A-ANVUR] |
Irene Binini, Wolfgang Huemer & Daniele Molinari: “A Game of Perspectives: The Role of Imagination in Thought Experiments” Erkenntnis (2024). |
Sientific publications by members of the group that are pertinent to our research topics
Wolfgang Huemer “Fictional Narrative and the Other’s Perspective” Croatian Journal of Philosophy 22/2 (2022), pp. 161-179. [Rivista di fascia A-ANVUR] |
Wolfgang Huemer “Reading (with) others” in: Sonia Sedivy (ed.) Art, Representation, and Make-Believe: Essays on the Philosophy of Kendall L. Walton. Routledge, pp. 112-26. |
Daniele Molinari “Thought Experiments as Social Practice and the Clash of Imaginers” Croatian Journal of Philosophy 22/2 (2022), pp. 229-247. [Rivista di fascia A-ANVUR] |
Daniele Molinari “Spoiler Alert! Unveiling the Plot in Thought Experiments and other Fictional Works” in: Argumenta 6/1 (2020), pp. 81-97. [Rivista di fascia A-ANVUR] |
Daniele Molinari “Constraining Creatively. Games of Make-Believe, Thought Experiments and Creative Imagination” Sotto referaggio. |
Outreach – joint publications by PRISMA members
Irene Binini, Wolfgang Huemer & Daniele Molinari “Why Thought Experiments? – Putting Perspectives into Play” In: The Junkyard of the Mind – Scholarly Blog, 17/11/2021 |
Wolfgang Huemer, Daniele Molinari & Valentina Petrolini “There is an unseen smuggling operation between fiction and reality” In: AEON / Psyche – 2/11/2022 |
Irene Binini & Daniele Molinari “The Revolutionary Role of Thought Experiments” In: Filozofuj! 3/45 (2022), pp. 9-11. |
7-8/6/2022: Imagination and its constraints – conferenza con ospiti internazionali sui limiti dell’immaginazione
18/05/2023: Scienza, immaginazione e verità – workshop con diversi ospiti sull’immaginazione scientifica
16/10/2023: Ripensare il rapporto tra teoria e prassi a partire dalla “ricerca-creazione” – seminario tenuto da Serena Massimo
22/03/2024: Esperimenti mentali e personaggi fittizi in filosofia – seminario tenuto da Luca Mori
2018/19: True Enough – verità, modelli e finzione nelle scienze;
2019/20: Linguistic Bodies – Filosofia e biologia;
2020: Perspectival Imagination – il prospettivismo scientifico;
2020/21: Scientific Imagination – il ruolo dell’imaginazione nelle scienze naturali;
2021/22: Imaginative Resistance and Implicit Bias – le dinamiche dell’immaginazione
2024: Immaginazione, scienza e finzione – approfondimenti su immaginazione, sorpresa ed empatia in contesti scientifici