"A (reductive?) theory of imagination". by Alon Chasid

On Friday, April 4, 2025, we have the pleasure to discuss with Professor Alon Chasid (Bar-Ilan University), who will present "A (reductive) Theory of Imagination". The event will take place in the philosophy unit's library-room (second floor) in via D'Azeglio 85a. Here a short abstract of the paper:
A (reductive?) theory of imagination
Imagining is a complex mental activity. In addition to (attitudinal, belief-like) states, it encompasses mental imagery, conative states, emotions, etc. I will first show that the overall mental activity associated with imagining encompasses also a sui-generis type of stipulations regarding the pertinent fictional world, as well as certain rules that are to be followed by the imaginer. Next, I will show that attitudinal, belief-like imagining can be reduced to the act of playing a certain stipulated role, namely the role of a believer in the fictional world. Lastly, adducing a new argument for i-desires, I will show that i-desiring is likewise reducible to playing a certain stipulated (fictional) role, namely an orectic role in the fictional world.